Mitsubishi Electric is a pioneer in the development of renewable heat pump technology that offers improved energy efficiency and meets tough legislation.
Heat pump technology has been used around the world for decades and Mitsubishi Electric have developed this technology to produce Ecodan – one of the most advanced, efficient heating systems available today.
The Ecodan heat pump range is suitable for small to large applications, be that domestic or commercial.
Using proven heat pump technology to deliver effective, low carbon heating and hot water, Mitsubishi Electric’s award winning Ecodan systems provide a simple, renewable solution that rivals traditional heating systems.
From small flats to large detached houses, and from an office block to a school, Premier Technology offers the large range of Ecodan air to water heat pumps as an alternative choice to traditional heating systems in Ireland.
Using proven inverter driven heat pump technology to deliver effective, low carbon heating and hot water, the award winning Ecodan systems provide a simple, renewable solution that rivals traditional heating systems:
Helps achieve renewable energy targets
Capable of reducing running costs and CO2 emissions
Easy to design, install and maintain
Fully scalable and can work independently or in conjunction with other systems
Optimised systems from 4kW to 688kW
Like any heating system, Ecodan works effectively in properties with high levels of thermal efficiency. Where possible we recommend undertaking basic improvements in existing properties such as cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and double glazing, before installing an air to water heat pump.
Key Features:
Self-contained unit only requiring water and electric connections
No need for gas supply, flues, ventilation
Single phase power supply with a low starting current (3 phase available for 14kW)
Operates with outside temperatures as low as -25ºC
Available as a stand-alone or complete packaged system with pre-plumbed cylinder
Market leading capacity performance at low outdoor temperatures
Recognised by the Noise Abatement Society for industry leading low noise levels
Hybrid function, for use with conventional boilers
Energy monitoring as standard
Ecodan air to water heat pumps require only a small amount of electricity to harvest, upgrade and move heat from one location to another.
The Mitsubishi Ecodan air to water heat pump transfers more energy into a property as heat than it would use to extract from the air.
This helps to lower fuel bills and reduce environmental impact.
An Air to water heat pump in Ireland, sometimes known as air source heat pumps, extracts heat from the air.
A Mitsubishi Ecodan air to water heat pump will operate in temperatures as low as -25°C.
Low temperature heat from the air is absorbed by a fluid held in the heat pump. The fluid then passes through a compressor where its temperature is increased before being made available for the heating and domestic hot water circuits in your home.
Why choose a heat pump from Premier Technology?
We have air to water heat pump integration expertise.
Free energy up to four units of heat output for every unit of electricity input.
The ability to fulfil all underfloor heating and domestic hot water requirements.
A lower carbon footprint from a renewable energy source.
How Ecodan Air To Water Heat Pumps Work
To achieve this, a vapour compression cycle is used, which has the ability to take low temperature renewable heat from the environment raising it to usable temperatures capable of handling the space and water heating loads required in buildings.
At the beginning of the first phase the refrigerant is a cold low pressure liquid
1. The refrigerant passes into the evaporator and heat energy from the outside air passes over the evaporator causing the refrigerant to increase in pressure and change to a warm vapour.
2. This warm vapour then enters the compressor where its temperature increases as a result of the compression process and turns into a hot gas.
3. The hot refrigerant gas is then condensed as it passes across one side of a plate heat exchanger. The heat is transferred to the cooler side (water side) of the heat exchanger, and this is transferred via the primary water circuit to heat up the water tank inside the property. As the temperature of the refrigerant decreases the state changes from a gas back to a cool vapour.
4. Despite dropping in temperature, the cool vapour still has a high pressure and to reduce this pressure the vapour passes through an expansion valve. This causes the pressure to drop and the temperature lowers, returning the refrigerant to its initial state of cool low pressure liquid.
This process is repeated
It is only the refrigerant that passes through this cycle; the water is heated as it travels through the plate heat exchanger. The heat energy from the refrigerant passes through the plate heat exchanger to the cooler water which increases in temperature. This heated water enters the building heating circuit and can also be used to provide hot water via a hot water cylinder.
Heat Pumps